Of course, there's no obvious visible difference between these aligners and the previous ones. Trust me, I've scrutinized every indention on the trays... BUT this morning I pulled out the last ones in this package, #10, and I CAN see a difference. By February, my front 2 bottom teeth (the one that's currently in front of the rest and the one next to it on my left) will be aligned with each other! The top tray also seems to get a little wider and the teeth next to my front 2, a little more lined up. I can't wait until I can see my top teeth pushed back. After that, I'll be heading back to the dentist to get more. Looking a month ahead, it's too bad these changes won't be visible during our trip to TX to see family. Oh well, one step at a time.
Can't wait to get through January now!!!
The boys have started to call my Invisalign "Mama's glass teeth". Nick likes to examine them in my mouth nearly every day and asks to put them in his mouth. Ew! LOL
I slack on how many hours I keep them on during the day, but not enough to mess up treatment... I'm just not as paranoid about it, I guess. Instead of leaving them out for strictly 1 hour per meal and a snack mid-afternoon, I keep them out roughly 2 hours per meal and for a little bit first thing in the morning while I wake up... and for a little bit for snacks all day long.
That's all that's new! I hardly think about the things now... they really have become just another part of my life.