I changed Invisalign aligners 7 & 8 during our trip to/from Texas for the Christmas break. Those were easy. Not much pain, just the usual tension & pressure. My family hardly noticed them and kept forgetting. I'd have to remind them I couldn't just taste test food or randomly drink a soda unless I was ready to do the whole remove, eat/drink, brush teeth, replace ordeal. Family also noticed an improvement in my teeth I couldn't see! They were very encouraging about the whole process.Last night I switched to #9. They were tight, as usual, but actually a lot easier to snap in than prior aligners. I thought, "Oh these should be a breeze!" Wrong, wrong, wrong. Typically I take them off first thing in the morning but when I tried a few minutes ago, it hurt like the devil! I have this trick to taking them off with minimal pain but that didn't even work. I had barely pulled down on the top when I quickly put them back where they belong. That hurt! I'd imagine once I take them off, that will be the worst pain and then when I take them off again throughout the day, they wont hurt much at all. I hope.
I should have known better. By looking at #10 in the package, my bottom front 3 teeth will be lined up. That will have to take some pain... but it doesn't explain why the top hurts. I guess it's doing something I can't see!
No pain, no gain!
A before picture from the beginning:
***Embarrassing "after" pictures below:
The "overjet" is getting better, but I didn't take a before picture of that. Umm.. Oops?! hahah
Most of the improvement we can see are the teeth next to the top 2. They are slowly coming out from behind and getting lined up. Also, the lower teeth are not quite a slanted and over-lapping each other.... I never realized how much the lower teeth were going like / that.
Still have a lot of work to go! I'll add more pictures of the differences in the aligners (which are amazing!) and more after #10's if I see a difference.