Monday, October 18, 2010


Last Thursday I received my upper retainer, worn only at night, and a spring retainer for the lower. The upper is fairly tight. Honestly though, if it didn't make me talk like I had a stroke, I would prefer to wear it all the time. I didn't realize how much I had become accustomed to the constant pressure on my teeth.

The bottom retainer feels like I have a thermometer stuck under my tongue all day, but is otherwise comfortable. On the outside of the retainer, there is a wire to push my left front tooth back, and on the inside, there is a wire to push the tooth to the right of that out. I think my bottom teeth look jacked now, but supposedly, they will all be pushed back into alignment with another spring retainer in 2 weeks.

Lately my back gums have been slightly sore and bleeding... I'm assuming from the retainers.

I also received 2 flimsy bleaching trays to continue whitening.

Here are some photos:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The end is in sight... for real this time.

So. First of all, we are moving Thanksgiving week. That puts a real crunch on the time we have left to complete my Invisalign process.

I just completed another 6 refinement aligners, with the bottom teeth STILL not corrected. In fact, those last ones did absolutely nothing. After seeing the good ol' dentist this morning, she informed me that there was no reason she could find that they didn't work. My teeth fit perfectly into the perfect aligners, but yet my teeth are not in line with each other.

So here's what comes next: I go back next Thursday to pick up a retainer for my top teeth to wear only at night. YESSSSS!!! My top teethies are perrrrrfect. I will also pick up a "spring retainer" for the bottom teeth to give that extra push on my bottom 1 tooth that wont go in line with the rest. I will wear it full time until we move, I think. She'll explain more next week... but yes, it is removable just like Invisalign while I eat and drink. This retainer will definitely be more visible than an Invisalign aligner but my bottom teeth don't show much anyway... and whatever it takes to get this process over with!

Now I leave you with some pictures.

My beautimus top teeth:

Now take a look at the bottom front teeth - the left 2 as you face the screen. That middle one is slightly further out to disrupt the perfect U shape.

And this is what I believe a spring retainer will be like for the bottom:
(I'll post my own photos next week.)