I'm STILL wearing Invisalign. Ugh. Before we left San Diego, I was given 6 more (out of 12) aligners for my bottom teeth. I now have a little gap at the base of my front two bottom teeth... ugly. It makes me look like I have something black between my teeth!! I'm hoping once everything is lined up, that little space will go away.
I'm currently wearing #6 of that set and waiting on the next 6 from San Diego. I can't really see a difference, there has been absolutely zero pain, but I can feel one tooth touching my top chops so something must be moving in there. I guess I should mention I don't have any attachments on at this point and my new aligners are fitting nice and tight each week. I was told the reason my bottom teeth are becoming so difficult to align is because the movements are so fine, it's hard for the Invisalign to read them for the molds. The teeth aren't terribly crooked at this point, but after all this time, perfection is a must! ;)
I wear a top metal retainer at night. It's amazing how snug it fits each time I put it in. The only thing I don't like about it is that it makes a white line going across my front teeth where the metal is. Wtheck? I don't do my whitening in the evening to ensure no gel is left on my teeth so I don't know.
That's all I know! I hope everyone has had a great holiday season. I wish I could say I was done with this whole Invisalign ordeal by the end of 2010, but nope. I'd still do it all over again though - the blessing of having my top teeth straight is worth the price.
The first is Christmas 2010, the second was Christmas 2009: