Friday, November 6, 2009


I thought I would take a moment to retract my statement about the Invisalign Diet and my worries of losing weight - now I just eat anything I could possibly want later in the day at mealtimes STUFFING myself... which is much easier than the removal/replacement/dental hygiene routine if I had a snack... So in fact, now I'm likely eating MORE than what I would have had I not had Invisalign.

... Thought you'd like to know ...


  1. Lol. You crack me up, fatty ;) Hey, my blog on here has resurfaced if you'd like to keep up with it. Later gator.

  2. lol I will definitely keep up. You know I'll be missing you from FBLand

  3. By the way, no idea why I'm following you twice, but you can delete the older picture of me, lol.
