Saturday, June 12, 2010


I haven't exactly followed doctor's orders as far as the whitening treatment goes. Dr. V told me to use the gel on the top and bottom every night. If my teeth are to get sensitive, discontinue for a day and start up again. Well, my bottom teeth get sensitive after only ONE treatment! It's not terrible but pretty annoying. Soooo, I've opted to do my top teeth every night until they become sensitive (usually after 3-4 days) and my bottom teeth every other night.

Here is a before and after, although my teeth were
much more yellow than this picture (refer to previous close-up teeth shots in this blog):

So yeah, YAY for white teeth!!!

As far as the straightening process goes, I'm pretty satisfied with the results thus far. I want my 2 front teeth to be pushed back just a tad further... we'll see if my refinements accomplish what I'm looking for.

Ohhhh I found an older picture from a couple years back from before any orthodontic treatment... WOW the difference! (yes, those are the same earrings) :)