Tuesday, February 15, 2011

#12/12 Refinement set #??? uhhh

Yeah, I've lost count... but I did get my next set of refinements from San Diego before the new year and have been changing the aligners out weekly.

I'm currently wearing #12 of 12 (which hurt!), and if I was still living in SD, I don't think this would be my last set. See, when I was on #10, things were looking good. Those two teeth on the bottom that just wouldn't line up, were finally right. there. I thought, "Yipee! It's working! Only 2 more to go!"

Then I put in #11.
Which jacked it up.

I thought, "okay, maybe #12 will fix it."

Nope. They are still misaligned. No one else would notice, and by all means, my teeth are AMAZING compared to how they were before... but I have to admit, I'm a wee bit disappointed with the amount of time this has taken AND the fact that they aren't perfect... ya know... almost 5000 dollars later. In no way am I blaming my awesome dentist. I think this has something to do with the fine movements involved with the Invisalign trays.

So what do I do now? I have no idea. I will have to speak to my dentist about it back in Cali or just accept my teeth as they are... or I'm even contemplating going back to #10.

Until then, here are some comparison pictures:

In the beginning, there was staining and crazy crookedness

but in the end, you can see the light and improvement!

and the bottom teeth that still aren't lined up:

(I did up the contrast in this pic to help define the teeth, so do ignore the dark spots on the back molars - those are NOT cavities LOL)

The good news is - for the first time in my life, I can bite straight on into an apple! It's just too bad I hate apples! haha

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's been awhile...

I'm sorry I've been so out of touch. We've had a ton going on.

I'm STILL wearing Invisalign. Ugh. Before we left San Diego, I was given 6 more (out of 12) aligners for my bottom teeth. I now have a little gap at the base of my front two bottom teeth... ugly. It makes me look like I have something black between my teeth!! I'm hoping once everything is lined up, that little space will go away.

I'm currently wearing #6 of that set and waiting on the next 6 from San Diego. I can't really see a difference, there has been absolutely zero pain, but I can feel one tooth touching my top chops so something must be moving in there. I guess I should mention I don't have any attachments on at this point and my new aligners are fitting nice and tight each week. I was told the reason my bottom teeth are becoming so difficult to align is because the movements are so fine, it's hard for the Invisalign to read them for the molds. The teeth aren't terribly crooked at this point, but after all this time, perfection is a must! ;)

I wear a top metal retainer at night. It's amazing how snug it fits each time I put it in. The only thing I don't like about it is that it makes a white line going across my front teeth where the metal is. Wtheck? I don't do my whitening in the evening to ensure no gel is left on my teeth so I don't know.

That's all I know! I hope everyone has had a great holiday season. I wish I could say I was done with this whole Invisalign ordeal by the end of 2010, but nope. I'd still do it all over again though - the blessing of having my top teeth straight is worth the price.

The first is Christmas 2010, the second was Christmas 2009:

Monday, October 18, 2010


Last Thursday I received my upper retainer, worn only at night, and a spring retainer for the lower. The upper is fairly tight. Honestly though, if it didn't make me talk like I had a stroke, I would prefer to wear it all the time. I didn't realize how much I had become accustomed to the constant pressure on my teeth.

The bottom retainer feels like I have a thermometer stuck under my tongue all day, but is otherwise comfortable. On the outside of the retainer, there is a wire to push my left front tooth back, and on the inside, there is a wire to push the tooth to the right of that out. I think my bottom teeth look jacked now, but supposedly, they will all be pushed back into alignment with another spring retainer in 2 weeks.

Lately my back gums have been slightly sore and bleeding... I'm assuming from the retainers.

I also received 2 flimsy bleaching trays to continue whitening.

Here are some photos:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The end is in sight... for real this time.

So. First of all, we are moving Thanksgiving week. That puts a real crunch on the time we have left to complete my Invisalign process.

I just completed another 6 refinement aligners, with the bottom teeth STILL not corrected. In fact, those last ones did absolutely nothing. After seeing the good ol' dentist this morning, she informed me that there was no reason she could find that they didn't work. My teeth fit perfectly into the perfect aligners, but yet my teeth are not in line with each other.

So here's what comes next: I go back next Thursday to pick up a retainer for my top teeth to wear only at night. YESSSSS!!! My top teethies are perrrrrfect. I will also pick up a "spring retainer" for the bottom teeth to give that extra push on my bottom 1 tooth that wont go in line with the rest. I will wear it full time until we move, I think. She'll explain more next week... but yes, it is removable just like Invisalign while I eat and drink. This retainer will definitely be more visible than an Invisalign aligner but my bottom teeth don't show much anyway... and whatever it takes to get this process over with!

Now I leave you with some pictures.

My beautimus top teeth:

Now take a look at the bottom front teeth - the left 2 as you face the screen. That middle one is slightly further out to disrupt the perfect U shape.

And this is what I believe a spring retainer will be like for the bottom:
(I'll post my own photos next week.)

Monday, August 30, 2010

The last refinements?

We hope!

I meant to hop on here last week and update, but life has been so busy lately. I took my handsome little boys to the dentist for regular cleanings (no cavities, yay!!), and got some surprising news - my last refinements were in already!

I have 7 refinements to be changed weekly, every Thursday, and if all goes as planned, I will go back in 6 weeks to have my retainer made. The top aligner remains the same but does switch out. The bottom will continue to line up the front teeth. They started me out on refinement #2 of 7. I thought that was kind of odd, but they slipped right into place... so I guess no harm?

These bad boys have been tight - particularly the bottom. When I take the bottom tray off, it tends to go flying across the bathroom and I have to pray "Please don't fall into the toilet! Please don't fall into the toilet!!!"

Anyway, hopefully this will be the end of my Invisalign treatment. I'm not sure how it will work if we move to Colorado with more refinements to be done.

The only thing I'll kind of miss is seeing the look of "WTH is that on your teeth?!" fall across someone's face after we've already been talking for quite some time. I was talking to this guy for HOURS on Saturday and just as he was mid-sentence about the Nintendo DSi for my little dude, this look washed over his face - his eyes were huge, his jaw slacked, and I knew he finally saw the aligners. I started laughing and he was like, "WTH is on your teeth?!" Braces. "What?!" I think he might get Invisalign now. :)

On the flip side, I will NOT miss having to walk through the food court and needing to turn down all of the freebies!

Tis all, y'all! I'll keep you posted!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The top is done! Yay!

So all month long, I had it marked on my calendar that I had an Invisalign appointment today at 0930. Sal took off work so that he could keep the kids. Last night, I was looking through my wallet and found the appt reminder card and guess what? My appointment wasn't today, it was scheduled for FRIDAY at 0930. Crap! I felt like such a dummy.

Anywho, I talked to the office this morning and I was able to be worked into the schedule at 1 o'clock. Hooray.

My top teeth are DONE!!!! She removed all but one attachment, and I honestly think she didn't see the last one. It's fairly far back in my mouth.

My bottom teeth lack "2 refinements," as she put it. She said I'll wait a month from now to get a set of refinements to even up my bottom front teeth and should be completely done with treatment in no more than 2 months from today. The new refinements will probably include a little more filing of my teeth (YUCK) and at the end, contouring for a better appearance.

She said my bite is perfect. We talked a little more about my midline and stuff, but decided it's not worth the trouble to fix for the sake of appearances. I would have to remove and file teeth and possibly break my jaw for that. No, thanks.

Once I'm done with these next refinements, I'll get a retainer - either a plastic try, a normal orthodontic retainer, or she can bond my teeth together. She said we'll decide then.

I'm almost done!!!! Thank goodness because this spoiled brat is ready to shed the aligners FOREVER. FOR-ev-ERRRRR

Friday, August 6, 2010

#10 of 10!!

Cause for celebration? No, probably not. I highly doubt these are the last ones. Bummer. I know I'm a spoiled brat, but I'm really sick of wearing these aligners now.

My teeth look GREAT, fabulous, just like my dreams....... but in these last 2 refinement trays, something happened. The top teeth look just about perfect. In fact, they probably look just fine to anyone but me... but the bottom teeth.... yeah... they WERE in a perfect ) but now... NOW they're not. The front 4 bottom teeth are now in sets of 2. The left 2 (my left) are even with each other but are pushed further out than the right 2. The right 2 are in line with each other but are pushed further inward. I tried to take a picture but it wasn't very clear.

I'm scheduled to head back to the dentist next Thursday, when, I imagine, she'll order more impressions and refinements. Whatever happens, we better finish up before November! I'm moooooving!